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Starts at $2500

You want to see the most bang for your spend. Our team understands that. So, they provide the influencer services that will give you the greatest ROI quickly. We use many tools to help us calculate  and project your ROI out accurately.

What’s more is that we’re completely transparent with all of our influencer activities and campaigns. So, there are never any hidden or shocking and unpleasant surprises at the end of each campaign. Our team will gladly furnish extensive and detailed reporting, analytics, and metrics for any and all of our activities upon request. That way, you’re always kept in the loop regarding the progress of and developments in your influencer marketing campaigns.

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Influencer Marketing Services

Amplify your brand's reach with our influencer marketing services. We connect you with best influencers to drive authentic conversations and boost conversions.

Our Influencers’ Endorsements Will Double Your Brand Revenue

Count on our Influencer Marketing Agency to transform what you sell into globally recognized brands.

We’re the influencer marketing agency for you if you know that you need to be doing influencer marketing to give your brand global clout and recognition, but you don’t know how to leverage it. Our team will support you from campaign ideation to execution to create effective influencer marketing campaigns that will leave a long-lasting impression on your viewers.

Our team relies on social media platforms heavily to create and launch authentic and scalable campaigns that will paint your brands in an amazing and accurate light on various social platforms, namely TikTok. You’ll always realize a high ROI with our campaigns.

Why Hire Us?

Our Work Skyrockets Your ROI

You want to see the most bang for your spend. Our team understands that. So, they provide the influencer services that will give you the greatest ROI quickly. We use many tools to help us calculate  and project your ROI out accurately.

What’s more is that we’re completely transparent with all of our influencer activities and campaigns. So, there are never any hidden or shocking and unpleasant surprises at the end of each campaign. Our team will gladly furnish extensive and detailed reporting, analytics, and metrics for any and all of our activities upon request. That way, you’re always kept in the loop regarding the progress of and developments in your influencer marketing campaigns.

Our Influencers Define and Sell Your Brands

Indeed, our team leverages its vast and deep influencer networks to define and sell what you sell faster. Team members do that by defining KPIs for your brands, establishing brand goals and needs, and roping in the most happening people in your industry to have them tell emotional and powerful stories about your brands that resonate with your target audiences on a deeper level and drive faster results.

Our Services Explained

Influencer Search

Expect our team to seek out and pair what you sell with the most influential and known people in your industry for those brands. But our team members don’t just choose anyone. Instead, they rope in only those influencers whose past work and values align with your brand image, values, proposition, and personalities perfectly.

Marketing Strategy

We’ll find those influencers who have a real knack of and talent in relaying emotional and useful stories about your brands that your target audiences will identify with immediately. The result is greater brand engagement that leads to immediate sales.

Reporting and Analytics

Our team has some great habits. One of these is to set KPIs for every campaign at the inception stage. Then, they benchmark the progress of each campaign according to those KPIs. Finally, they track the progress during every stage of your campaign to determine if they’re actually maximizing your ROI. Our team will tweak the campaigns to ensure that you get the most out of your influencer marketing spend.

They also benchmark conversion rates to determine if these are being optimized.

Content Management

We do our research to understand exactly what your target audiences expect from your brands and the keywords that they search for the most often before we write one word of content. Then, we curate insightful, quality content that’s value-added, informative, and entertaining around these keywords. We also craft customized content management strategies to ensure that it maximizes your ROI as soon as possible.

The results are stories that communicate your brand’s values, propositions, and benefits in simple and beautiful language. Your readers will pick up on that and their emotional tones and messages. People will engage with your content and they will buy what you sell faster.


All of our collaborations are straightforward. So, what you read and understand is exactly what you get.

Scalable approach

All of our campaigns are scalable as needed to give your brands that much-needed global reach and clout.

Our Methodologies and Technologies

As is the case with all influencer marketing agencies, we rely heavily on AI, AR, and VR to take your brands global. It’s time to unveil our many methodologies and technologies.

The Make Influence Methodology Rules

In a way, our influencer marketing team provides consulting services for anyone who wants to do influencer marketing right. Members integrate three important components into the Make Influence Methodology.

  • Develop an effective process strategy that will help you do long-term and sustainable influencer marketing that delivers results.
  • Design our influencer marketing strategies to maximize your ROI; devise the channel strategy
  • Execute the integration strategy effectively, or integrate the influencer marketing strategy well on other channels and platforms (mainly social) so that they deliver quick results.

Our Technologies Explained

We Rope in Virtual Influencers

These are people in the virtual real, like the metaverse. They may be entirely digital, but they’re already recognized names in the influencer marketing realm. Unlike their human counterparts, they never get tired, so they can engage with your target audiences at any time of the night or day. They’re alrea pdyopular and will grow in popularity in the future, thanks to their creative nature and their tendency to look like even more beautiful and younger than most people.

These influencers are great at relaying creative and appealing stories that our influencers create. They can also deliver stories faster and with perfection - two things that no human is capable of.

AR and Influencer Campaigning

AR has two factors going for it that few things in this world have. It’s interactive and immersive. These two factors are already revolutionizing the shopping experience and transforming how people interact with brands, as well as raising their expectations from companies and vendors. Now, customers can try items on virtually or interact with AR filters to ‘test-drive’ brands.

The result is to help users engage in new, innovative, and revolutionary ways while creating memorable experiences that result in more traffic-generating conversions to your site.

Data-Driven Campaigns and Metrics

Technology is creeping into influencer marketing quickly. That lets marketers measure campaign performance faster and much more accurately. They rely on advanced analytics tools to do so. Favorite KPIs include brand engagement, brand reach, and conversion rates. Our team leverages these and other technologies and tools to help give your brands that permanent edge.

AI-Powered Algorithms

Our team is heavily reliant on AI-powered algorithms to analyze campaign performance on various social platforms. That helps them identify key areas of improvement faster. It also helps you maximize your ROI faster. You can also understand the demographic segments that are most receptive to your brands. That helps you tailor and customize future influencer marketing campaigns.

Micro-Influencing and Personalization

Micro-influencers have their place in influencer marketing and our team relies on them for all of their influencer marketing campaigns. They also use technology and AI to personalize the campaigns as much as possible.

The Benefits of Partnering With Our Influencer Marketing Agency.

There are many ways you’ll benefit from our influencer marketing services.

Give Your Brands That Global Reach

People won’t buy what you sell if they don’t know they exist and are unaware of their many benefits. That’s why it’s important to do influencer marketing. Influencers have a vast global network that they can tap into to promote brands far and wide quickly.

We pick the personalities from our vast and deep influencer network who will bring your brands to life. They will promote your brands to market segments that you didn’t even know existed. That tends to generate more curiosity about your brands when done correctly. People will respond by exploring your site from various sources online and (with time) buying what you sell.

You Can Position What You Sell As the Leading Authority in Your Industry

People are more likely to buy whatever Ice T endorses because he is such a famous actor. We leverage that basic, yet powerful psychology to your advantage. Our team will identify the trending movers and shakers in your industry and rope them in to sell your brands. That will give what  you sell much more punch and make people more willing to buy them.

You Will Make Your Content Marketing Strategy Much More Powerful

Sprout Social Index recently did a survey and found that 26% of consumers want companies to take risks when doing content marketing. The same survey reported that 38% of consumers want brands to primarily create and launch original content. Since there are only so many ways to make content - text and other forms - original, companies are finding that they can rope influencers to curate fresh and unique content.

We are no exception. Our influencers will keep your audiences listening to your brands, their messages, and their propositions for much longer. They will also show your audiences all of the innovative and creative applications that will make their lives much better and resolve their pain problems of what you sell.

Your Site’s SERP May Improve in Just a Few Weeks

Yes, influencer marketing, when done correctly, can improve your site’s SERP in just a few weeks. The reason is that influencers boost your enterprise’s and brands’ online presence by infusing high-quality backlinks to your site that generate lots of traffic. That will also improve your brands’ and enterprise’s social SEO. The direct result of that is more converting traffic to your site.

Our influencers know how to structure and create intriguing content around popular and strategic keywords to make them value-added and insightful. The content is diverse and includes blog posts, general text posts, videos, audio clips, and much more. More people will visit your site more often when the content ranks.

You’ll Encourage Customer Engagement

And that’s important since it’s a crucial ingredient for more traffic and higher conversion rates. Our influencers excel at boosting customer engagement and generating much more traffic and conversions to your site faster. You’ll find your customer base increasing dramatically. You’ll also be able to create long-lasting customer loyalty and turn many of them into devoted brand ambassadors. That’s crucial and invaluable when creating customer lifetime value (CLV.)

Reach Out To And Target Only Those People Who Want to Buy Your Brands

Our influencers will target those people who are most inclined to buy what you sell. You maximize exposure and reach since influencer marketing tends to be organic and genuine. That also helps you maximize both your conversion rates and ROI on a significantly lower advertising spend.

Why Hire Our Influencer Marketing Agency?

We employ a team of experienced experts in influencer marketing. They work with world-renowned influencers day and night to make your brands and enterprise as recognized and respected as Coca-Cola and Bayer Aspirin are. What’s more is they can deliver fast results on a lower budget and in a matter of a few months instead of the usual 6-12 months with most other forms of digital marketing.

Count on our Influencer Marketing Agency to make your brands a global success almost overnight!


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