
Best Practices for Google Ads in 2024

Unlock the full potential of Google Ads in 2024 with our expert guide. Here are some of the best practices for Google Ads, combining insights and recent trend.

Best Practices for Google Ads in 2024

Staying abreast of Google’s constant ad changes can be difficult and time-consuming because its ad guidelines and policies seem to change weekly. However, it is possible to stay in the loop with these continual changes if you do and know about the following.

Google Ads Explained

Google Ads is a Net-based advertising program that lets companies list their companies on top of Google search engine’s search results. It’s not difficult to set up and run online ads by incorporating strategic and targeted keywords throughout them. That will increase your site’s online visibility on various search engines, especially Google.


You can run Google ads to drive droves of traffic with strong converting potential to your site. Indeed, Google Ads are what you want if you want to generate quality and results-driven traffic right away.


You can go to Google’s library and learn about its various ad types, but I’m listing the most popular ones below:

●    Responsive search ads - you enter many headlines and ad copies. Then sit back and let Google do all of the work for you. It will test the ads automatically until it finds the ones and combinations that deliver the results you want.

●    Dynamic search ads - target searchers using unique search terms. You can direct them to the most relevant landing page on your site.

●    Display ads - display relevant ads with appealing images and powerful text on your site.

●    Video ads - run ads on YouTube and other sites that are Google’s partners.

●    Shopping ads - create ad campaigns that appear at the top of search engine results and promote specific products and brands.  

How To Get The Most Out of Google PPC

Google PPC is an acronym for Google Pay-Per-Click. It operates by having businesses bid on certain strategic keywords that pertain to their brands. These ads then appear in their SERPs. They are only charged when their ads receive clicks.


PPC campaigns bring many benefits and advantages:

●    Target past users, visitors, or customers.

●    Target people who are looking for your brand name.

●    Target people in similar target audiences or markets.

●    Target people at different phases of your sales funnels.


You need to do the following to do PPC right:

●    Select the right and strategic keywords from the beginning.

●    Establish a daily budget.

●    Determine what your spend per click will be.


The Best Way of Selecting Google Ads Keywords

You need to select results-driven keywords from the beginning. You set yourself up for success by doing so because it plays a huge role in determining which pages on your site will appear in searches. That will decide who views your ads.

1.   Adopt your customers’ mindsets- think about the words and phrases they use when they search for specific brands, products, and/or services. You’ll likely need to scrutinize your analytics heavily and deeply.

2.   Leverage Google’s Keyword Planner - it’s easy to use. Just type a keyword or long-phrase into the search word tool. You’ll then see many relevant keyword sand long-tail phrases appear in the results. You can integrate them to optimize your content and boost your site’s SERP immediately.

3.   Rely on a keyword research tool - you can feed your keyword and long-tail phrases list into Ahrefs, SEMrush, or another dedicated keyword search tool. Doing so will give you more specific results. That will give you insights into the keywords and phrases that deliver results and which your competition uses.

4.   Don’t include negative keywords - only include keywords that are relevant to your brand. That reduces the incidence of someone who isn’t interested in what you sell seeing your site.

5.   Stick with keywords that have a high search volume and low competition - you want to maximize your ROI and revenue streams by choosing words that get lots of traffic, but that not many companies use.  

Tips for Optimizing Your Landing Page

Choosing appropriate keywords is only half of the battle when running Google Ads campaigns that convert. You need to build an extremely optimized landing page if you want people to come to your site from various places online.

It’s best to do the following to optimize your Google landing page:

●    Align the content (text and everything) with the Ads that are displayed on your page.

●    Include strong and easy-to-understand CTAs and important information at the bottom of the page.

●    Make your CTAs short, zingy, and snappy. That formula works best when maximizing converting traffic.

●    Keep navigation options to a minimum and optimize those navigation options leading to the CTA.

●    Use appealing images and visual content.

●    Appeal to people’s impulse buying instincts by using scarcity and urgency tactics.

Google Ads Best Practices for 2024

Here are some Google Ads Best Practices to follow when you’re ready to run Google Ads this year:

1.   Automate Ad Campaigns - simply set your Google Ads campaign parameters in advance and let the system take care of the rest for you. Google Ads will automatically optimize your campaigns. It also uses strategic and specific data from current and previous customers to make them as targeted and results-driven as possible.

2.   Establish clear goals - set a goal for your ad campaigns and structure them to accomplish that goal. You’ll need to model your ad copy, landing page, and CTA content to reflect your goals. Fortunately, Google lets you decide your goals. It uses those to display your ads to strategic and targeted audiences.

3.   Rely on broad match keywords -broad match keywords are invaluable when you want your ads displayed to people in your target audiences who may not necessarily type in your selected keywords search engines.

4.   Remember that Google is a hard worker - that means that Google’s new and automated solutions will work on optimized targeting, audience expansion, and Smart bidding will display your Ads to as many people as possible at once.

5.   Don’t use low performing keywords - doing so will expand your budget and optimize your campaigns. You need to monitor the keywords in your ads account regularly and prune those that aren’t performing well.

6.   First-party data will make your targeting more efficient - you can and should collect data from numerous platforms. These include, but aren’t limited to CRM, Google Ads Leads Forms, and social media platforms. You can integrate these with Google for a panoramic and comprehensive view of ideal target audiences.

7.   Make Ad-specific groups - you can create different groups for each ad and create similar ad copy for each one. You’ll keep your brand messages constant while optimizing your budget.

8.   Practice remarketing - display your ads to those who are already familiar with what you sell. The reason is that they are eager to buy from you because they already know and trust you.


Ideal Practices for Google Ads in 2024

It’s time to list some Google Ads Best Practices to follow when you’re ready to start your Google Ads campaigns.  

Automate Your Ad Campaigns

You can set the basic parameters for your ad campaigns and let Google Ads take care of the rest. Google Ads will pull data from previous and similar campaigns to run your ad campaigns successfully. That’s how it makes sure it targets the right people the first time around.

Know What You Want to Accomplish From the Beginning

Ask yourself what you want to achieve with your campaign. Pick a main, important, and strategic goal. Then structure your entire campaign around that goal. That means your ad and sales copy, your landing page, and CTAs should all be crafted to communicate the messages to your target audiences that will help you accomplish that goal.

The good news is that Google lets you decide your goals. It will display your ads to converting target audiences based on your goal inputs.

Rely on Broad match Keywords

Use broad match keywords throughout your ad and sales copy, in your landing pages, and in your CTAs. That will help you capture people who are interested in your brands but may not necessarily find your site or ads on their own because they may not type certain specific and target keyword into search engines.

Let Google Work For You

Google’s Automated solutions are there for a reason - to do the hard work of automating and running your Ad campaigns for you. Starting May 1st of this year, Google did away with its similar audience feature. That allowed brands to optimize their first-party data any way they wanted. Brand owners can utilize automated solutions to optimize their marketing objectives. Examples include optimized targeting, audience expansion, and Smart Bidding.

Eliminate Low-Performing Keywords

You can lower your advertising spend and improve your ad campaigns’ performance by getting rid of low-performing keywords. You do that by monitoring each campaign’s performance regularly and eliminating any keywords that aren’t performing well. 

Make Your Targeting More Efficient With First-Party Data

Go to multiple platforms for data collection. Excellent candidates include CRM, Google Ads lead forms, and various social media platforms. Make sure you integrate the data with Google. That will give you the complete picture of your ideal target audiences. 

Create Specific Ad Groups

You can use similar but unique and specific ad copy for each specific ad group that you create. You’ll streamline your efforts and make your brand messages uniform across similar campaigns on various platforms.

Remarket to Current Customers

You’ll see an immediate boost in conversions if you display your ads to people who have bought from you before. The reason is that they already know your brands and company and trust both.  

Google Search Ads Best Practices in 2024

You can create high-performing ads if you do the following: 

Rely on Responsive Ads

You’ll see your conversion rate increase by approximately 12% when you include one “good” to “excellent” responsive ad in your overall Ads campaigns. You can and should rely on AI to do so.

Be Generous With Images

You should integrate at least 4 different types of images to your ads to optimize them and to get the most conversions from them. Images are invaluable because they help paint a clear picture of a brand, its features, and its benefits right away. That makes them more receptive to buying what you sell. So, they will be much easier to convert immediately.

Display Your Brand

You get free advertising when you display your business logo and name on your ads. So, be sure to do it as much as you can. Ads with a clear brand identity tend to have on average a conversion rate that’s 8% higher than non-branded Ads.  

Tips For Display Ads in 2024

Google Ads appear on over 3 million sites,650,000 apps, and major platforms like Gmail and YouTube globally. You’ll find some useful tips for displaying Google Ads on these mediums below.  

Optimize Core Assets for Responsive Display Ads

Those responsive ads that deliver results excel at mixing your compelling and salesy headlines, descriptions, images ,and logo sand integrating them at various places in your Ad copy. You can rely on Google’s AI to do all of that for you. 

Utilize High-Quality Images

High-quality images are what create excellent and results-generating ads. For best results, use professional and high resolution photos that were taken with some sort of a physical camera. Remember the following when in coporating images in your ad copy:

●    Don’t overlay images - keep your images free of any other content. That will make them easier for viewers to see.

●    Keep your messaging transparent - make sure that your ads and their text content focus on and reinforce the messages that your images communicate to your viewers.

●    Remember to KISS - display your brands and proposition using high-quality and real images. 

Make Sure You Follow The Right Guidelines

Google lets you load up to 15 images in three sizes:

●    Landscape - best size is 1200*628maximum, 600*314 minimum

●    Square - best size is 1200*1200maximum, 300*300 minimum

●    Portrait - best size is 900*1600maximum, 600*1067 minimum

Optimize All Logos

Clean cropped and simple logos with clear and simple backgrounds work best when maximizing converting traffic and clicks on ads to and on your site. You should keep your images and logos looking professional by sticking to supported aspect ratios.

Tips For Displaying Google Discovery Ads in 2024

You can connect with customers across the Web with Google Discover Ads. These people tend to explore their interests, on various platforms like YouTube, Gmail, and Discover. Google Discovery Ads rely on Google’s machine learning and insights about user intent to help you boost clicks and converting site traffic by discovering and engaging with new and existing customers.

Utilize Smart Bidding

Two examples of Smart Bidding strategies are Maximize Conversions and Target CPA. These help you optimize your ads’ performance. These tools help you maximize results by adjusting your bids automatically to help you keep your advertising spend low while meeting your conversion goals.

Craft Engaging Ads

You can display Discovery Ads in single images or carousel formats. These will help you communicate your brands’ stories to customers much better. Discovery Ads with high-resolution and quality images and powerful and persuasive messaging work wonders when persuading people to take action.

Keep Your Ads Relevant

That does more than keep your brand message uniform. It also protects your reputation and you want that. You keep your ads relevant by parsing asset and audience-level reports for key insights. It’s easy to integrate those insights to fine-tune your Ad campaigns for even better results.

Repurpose Quality Content

It’s easy to create quality Discovery Ads. Just repurpose quality content from previous ad campaigns. You’ll accomplish two things. First, you’ll keep your brand messages constant across all platforms. Second, you’ll be getting better results by using tried and true content. 

Tips for Response to Google Ad Trends in 2024

First-Party Data Collection and Usage Will be Popular

Third-party cookies will be a thing of the past for the Chrome browser by the end of 2024. So, advertisers will be forced to ad here to stricter data privacy norms. They will also have to rely on first-party data for their Ad campaigns.

 There is a way to deal with this though.

 The first step to dealing with this is to display the Google Tag throughout your site. That will allow you to customize its configurations. Examples of that include capturing hash tagged email addresses and other information that users provide. You can also use Google Ads’ superior conversion features to strengthen your data collection and usage strategy.

 Here’s an example. You can accept “Customer Data Terms” and configure Google Tag Manager to match user-provided data when people make purchases on your site. That allows you to optimize your campaigns with precise and privacy-compliant data while adhering to privacy regulations.

 AI-Powered Advertising

AI is rapidly changing the way advertising works. So, it’s wise for you to incorporate AI tools into your Google Ads Strategies. The “Automatically Created Assets” feature allows you to create compelling headlines and features using Google’s AI tool. That can give your ads much more mileage. But since advertising is constantly changing, you’ll need to constantly monitor and refine these assets.

 Google’s AI image generator works wonders for Performance Max campaigns. The images are life-like, slick, and professional. They are also appealing and do drive fast conversions.  

Prioritize Data-Enriched Campaign Structures

Google loves campaigns and campaign structures that are loaded with data. If you give Google’s machine-learning algorithms enough data, they will optimize your campaigns’ performance. Your campaigns will also be more efficient and effective.

Benefits of Google Ads Automation

It takes a while to run Google Ads while regularly fine-tuning and tweaking your keywords and updating your target audiences in the dashboard. But, it is possible if you automate the process. That gives you more time to run your campaigns and business the way you want. You’ll realize the following benefits by doing that:

●    Boost ad performance by having Google Ads to the legwork for you

●    Slash your advertising spends dramatically by eliminating low-performing keywords and irrelevant ads.

●    Scale campaigns with existing ad duplication

●    Save time by having the campaigns create and run themselves.

Here’s how and where you begin.

Lead Bridge's Google Ads Integration

You can streamline Google Ads campaigns through Lead Bridge Google Ads integrations.

●    Google Ads lead forms extensions:  you can integrate lead forms from various platforms, spreadsheets, and your CRM. That will help you populate your target audiences so that you’re reaching familiar target audiences.

●    Google Customer Match - you canmatch current customers up with similar prospect profiles. That will let youtarget good-fit prospects and people who will most likely buy what you sell.

●    YouTube Trueview for action formads - you can populate that with leads from your current lead generation formsand other platforms. You can then display these ads to target audiences.


These integrations work wonders when bridging the gaps between various marketing tools and advertising platforms since you can automate many tasks. 

Benefits of Using Leads Bridge Integrations With Google Ads

Leads Bridge lets you understand your Google Ads strategies comprehensively and clearly. It has many useful and powerful integrations:

●    Automate the process of guiding new leads through your sales funnels to generate more revenue

●    Minimize repetitive and manual tasks to allow your staff to focus on core business operations.

●    Create a professional and optimized ads funnel that will make your team much more efficient.

●    Cut down on time by automating theprocess of importing Google Ads with various information and data from manymarketing toos.

●    Make your data and processes as accurate as possible

●    Get a $500 ad credit by doing so. 

Create Amazing and Results-Generating Campaigns with Google Ads Best Practices this Year

Google Ads is still the best way to get your enterprise and brands in front of your target audiences. You can optimize that through Google Ads.


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